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Main Services

 First-year Counseling

  • Assist students to know the campus and the nearby area.

  •  Assist students to use school resources.

  • Hold the freshmen counseling symposium: Provide equipment lending services including vision-impaired computers, video magnifiers, hearing aids and customized laptops for disabled students.

  • Disabled equipment needed assistance Provide equipment lending services including vision-impaired computers, video magnifiers, hearing aids and customized laptops for disabled students.

 One-to-One and Group Counseling

  • Hold regular and impromptu one-to-one and group counseling according to student needs.

  • One-to-one counseling is focused on learning about and helping disabled students..

 Part-time Job Offering

  • Offer students part-time jobs in order to assist disabled students.

 Social Activities

  • Hold various social activities of the resource class in the universities of southern Taiwan.

  • Hold various social activities in order to improve students’ social connections, including birthday parties, graduation parties and welcome parties.


  • Administer the forum to communicate with disable students, teachers, and parents in order to fix any problems.

 Academic Counseling

  • Hold forums for disabled students’ counseling teachers.

  • Give advice on conducting courses.

  • Give advice on learning strategies.

  • Assist teachers to know how to deal with disabled students, including giving exams, lectures, and so on.

 Mental Counseling

  • Case managementProvide mental help for students by providing care, counseling, and information.

  • Professional professor counselingArrange in-school professors to do one-to-one or group counseling.

  Apply for Disabled Facilities

  • Our resource classroom provides equipment for disabled students; those who wish to use can apply to our staff of counseling equipment center.

 Facility and Space

  • Our resource classroom provides notebooks, computers, printers, records, and so on for disabled students.

  Career Counseling

  • Provide the latest information about examinations and open positions for disabled people in order to give students some advice on career aptitude and direction.

 Disabled Facility improvement

  • Try our best to administer and improve and the disabled facilities as well as convey students’ needs to school.


  • Special Physical Education: To design P.E classes which are suitable for disabled students.

  • Provide scholarship information: Give the information of scholarship and assist students to apply.

  • Career change counseling: Assist in career and pursuing higher studies.

  • Administer surveys on current situation of graduators.

  • Others:  Provide services that plan one-to-one or group counseling depending upon different needs for students.


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